DPing a green screen studio shoot. A discussion by two doctors for a pharmaceutical company.
Green screen shoots with monitors pose their own special challenges.
Most monitors are ~6500-7000 Kelvin. For this shoot, I saw them as big blue light sources that I was going to have to deal with on the set. Thanks to modern technology (LEDs), it was easy to light the set for day light (5600 K) to compensate for the blue glow of the monitors. If any of their light did reach the subjects, it would hardly be noticeable.
Sometimes when you're using tungsten lights on a set, and someone brings their laptop on the set, you can see a blue glow on them. In that case I try to turn the brightness down as far as they can tolerate, and put some CTO gel on the monitor where / if the cameras won't see it. I've also done that with telepromters if they're too close (put a CTO gel on it to counteract its blue light on their faces).
This is all, of course, fun for me.